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designboom News

designboom daily - 2011.03.18

daily news
a designboom.com publication
March 2011, 18

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ai weiwei: circle of animals / zodiac heads world tour
published 03.18.11

the first major public sculpture project by ai weiwei, 'circle of animals / zodiac heads' is a re-interpretation of twelve bronze animal heads, collectively representing the traditional chinese zodiac.
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geneto: KD-house
published 03.18.11

furniture is built into each room, defining its purpose and giving each area character. geometric forms add interest to the long, narrow dwelling, breaking the volume into a series of slightly divided planes.
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sunshine and happiness infographic
published 03.18.11

does sunshine really make you happier? an infographic by leigh riley and arena quantum investigates, compiling country-by-country information about sunlight and satisfaction.
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MVRDV: vertical city project - future towers construction begins
published 03.18.11

with an overall structure that is hill-shaped featuring bays, canyons, caves grottos, peaks, valleys, MVRDV's design aims to combine amenities, public facilities, parks and a mix of inhabitants in the form of a vertical city.
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rich brilliant willing: pro forma
published 03.18.11

'for the sake of form' the first solo exhibition of manhattan-based studio rich brilliant willing opens today at the volume gallery in chicago.
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BCHO architects: L house
published 03.18.11

located in a small valley outside of the capital city of seoul, the single-storey residence features an accordion-like wall system that provides complete security when not occupied.
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oskar zieta: ballantine’s 12 bar
published 03.18.11

the bar is constructed from a series of stacked steel blocks that are reminiscent of melting ice cubes.
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my playground: a film about movement and urban space
published 03.17.11

created in collaboration with architect bjarke ingels, the 90-minute film follows team jiyo, a danish performance group, as they interact and engage with the built environment through the discipline of parkour.
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tom dixon: bulb at milan design week 2011
published 03.17.11

the energy efficient over-sized light bulb is designed to react to the phasing-out of the incandescent bulb and unattractive aesthetic of most CFL replacements. it can be used individually or as part of one of three new chandelier frames.
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shigeru ban architects: emergency shelter partitions for japan
published 03.17.11

with experience in emergency architecture, shigeru ban architects is distributing their cardboard, modular partition system to evacuation shelters throughout tohoku. information about donating to the project can be found on the studio website.
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akasaka shinichiro atelier: the topographic house
published 03.17.11

featuring a series of stepped stages for seating and informal socializing, the design offsets its levels to allow for continuous sightlines from every vantage point of the house.
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benrik: situationist iPhone app
published 03.17.11

flash mobs are fun, but the 'situationist' app for iPhone encourages impromptu encounters on a more personal level, inviting users to challenge others nearby to a five-minute race to find one another and enact a 'situation', ranging from 'high five me' to 'help me rouse everyone around us into revolutionary fervour and storm the nearest TV station'.
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