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designboom News

designboom daily - 2011.03.17

daily news
a designboom.com publication
March 2011, 17

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LAVA: home of the future
published 03.17.11

LAVA's home of the future acts as a metaphor for the questions of our times, our relationship with nature, with technology, and with ourselves with the intention of balancing human needs and nature's into one system.
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riva iseo
published 03.17.11

available in summer 2011, the 'riva iseo' will offer the option of a hybrid engine version with a zero emission mode (ZEM) cruising option.
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nokia beta labs: shoot and tag
published 03.17.11

fast-forward to the future of video playback! currently available for beta testing, nokia's 'shoot and tag' app uses scene recognition and tagging technology to attach dvd-style 'chapters' to video recording, providing easy access to different parts of the video.
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francis kéré architecture: towards a museum of hope
published 03.17.11

'throughout the past, mankind has always been willing to return to its roots and remain close to nature. that is still the case today this reconciliation with the environment allows human beings to look forward and move towards a sustainable future. the exhibition accordingly aims to reveal the various aspects of this topic by involving the visitor on different sensory levels.' - francis kéré
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caroline ziegler: bow
published 03.17.11

the cork shelves appear as if they are suspended massive shapes contained within a colored parenthesis.
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walid raad: 2011 hasselblad award winner
published 03.17.11

walid raad is the recipient of the 2011 hasselblad foundation international award in photography for being one of the most original and singular contemporary artists using photography.
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ayala serfaty: taltal lamp and bench
published 03.17.11

ayala serfaty is known for her use of textiles in lighting applications, creating designs which often reference that which lives within nature's bodies of water mimicking such creatures as urchins, jellyfish, coral, underwater plant life …
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bye bye kitty!!! at japan society
published 03.16.11

featuring sixteen contemporary japanese artists, the 'bye bye kitty!!!' exhibition at new york's japan society gallery challenges the relationship between tradition and modernity, the popularized aesthetics of japan, and the place of an individual or culture in the world at large. 50% of all admission sales go directly to the foundation's earthquake relief fund.
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naoto fukasawa workshop: inevitable design
published 03.16.11

design inevitable is a three-day workshop conducted by japanese designer naoto fukasawa with 11 young, singapore-based designers.
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BIG architects: ice hockey rink in umea
published 03.16.11

working with the natural, bowl-shape of the site, the 4,600 m2 sports facility extends and continues the shape of the land into its interior space.
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