daily news
a designboom.com publication
August 2011, 25
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influx_studio: spiral garden museum
published 08.25.11

focusing on the circulation of the people as the starting point of the design, the proposal utilizes a spiralling form that is outfitted with a continuous outdoor garden walkway.
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motion-powered energy harvester fits in shoe
published 08.25.11

researchers at the university of wisconsin-madison are using reverse electrowetting technology to develop an energy harvester that fits in the sole of a shoe and is capable of generating 2 watts of usable electrical power.
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bedmar + shi: cove way house
published 08.25.11

this dwelling's experience begins within a cavernous passage leading to an opened illuminated space revealing views of the canals and ocean beyond.
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note design studio: boet stool
published 08.25.11

'boet', which means 'nest' in swedish, is a stool that takes its form from that of a bird's home that sits high amongst the trees - elevated, protected, supported by strong branches.
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kyouei design: 800 musical movement - infiniti digital art competition shortlisted entry
published 08.25.11

in a design by kouichi okamoto for the INFINITI digital art competition, 800 music boxes, each engineered to play a single note, are orchestrated by a computer system to together play melodies.
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nabito architects: sensational park - complete
published 08.25.11

serving as a relational space to fill the existing social void in the italian neighbourhood, the park integrates the five human senses in its design to create a playful and interactive public space.
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henning larsen architects: viborg town hall
published 08.25.11

focusing on minimizing the building's energy consumption, the design of the danish town hall features a green roof that collects and percolates rainwater.
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pedro reyes: baby marx at walker art center
published 08.24.11

the mexican artist will use the walker campus to film a documentary version of his ongoing work 'baby marx', which examines the debate between socialism and capitalism.
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OODA: busan opera house
published 08.24.11

this proposed building reminiscent of two seashells is positioned on the edge of the sea projecting harmonious sounds to the world while creating an iconic identity for the region.
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carnovsky: la selva at jaguarshoes
published 08.24.11

exploring the jungle's twisted and dense vegetation and unusual creatures through the RGB technique via a large-scale wallpaper and print installation.
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rafaa power tower for ivanpah solar electricity complex
published 08.24.11

rafaa architects proposes two designs of power tower for use in brightsource energy's 392-megawatt 'ivanpah solar electric generating system', currently in construction in california's mojave desert.
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