daily news
a designboom.com publication
October 2010, 28
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rietveld's universe - furniture
published 10.28.10
dutch architect and designer gerrit rietveld realized more than one hundred buildings and many experimental pieces of furniture. within 'rietveld's universe', exhibition at utrecht's centraal museum, rietveld_s work is placed in a broad context. at the center of this article are his furniture pieces on show.
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apollo architects and associates: edge
published 10.28.10
the site is situated on a corner lot, with high levels of traffic. to resolve this issue the architects created a surrounding perimeter fence, which is part of the building itself.
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robot gripper made from coffee grounds and balloon
published 10.28.10
researchers at the cornell computation synthesis laboratory have developed a robot 'hand' made simply from coffee grounds and a balloon - and it grips just about anything.
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published 10.27.10
envision is an interactive light installation by the french creative agency superbien.
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tha ltd: hikari no tokei
published 10.27.10
the japanese design firm tha ltd. recently completed a massive clock installation in tokyo named _hikari no tokei_ or clock of light.
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andrew beaumont: ceramic & wood
published 10.27.10
andrew beaumont is a british ceramic designer who recently graduated from the university of plymouth.
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visiondivision: storm flipper
published 10.27.10
'storm flipper' presents an image of bad weather, turned upside down, creating a new icon for the public drinking fountain.
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barnes & noble nook colour
published 10.27.10
the popular nook e reader by barnes & noble will soon be available in a full colour edition beginning november 19th.
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'save me' by xiao dong li + yang xiao - endangered species graphic design competition
published 10.27.10
featuring a collection of wild life sculpted out of black plastic bags, the poster focuses on the issue of improper hazardous waste disposal.
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vincent callebaut architectures: green wave swimming pool, royat
published 10.27.10
by increasing also the choice of cardio-arterial and rheumatologic cares, callebaut proposes the construction of a 'planted wave' that covers the pool hall under its curve.
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ai weiwei charity t-shirt designs
published 10.27.10
consisting of three separate designs on organic cotton t-shirts, all proceeds from sales is going to doctors without borders/m_decins sans fronti_eres (MSF).
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