The Wrong objects 컨셉디자인 4종세트 (디자이너 : 신고은, 우기하)
"The Wrong objects"라는 컨셉으로 2010 베를린 DMY 인터내셔널 디자인 페스티벌에 소개 (전시장 사진 -->된 신고은, 우기하 디자이너 듀오의 흥미로운 컨셉디자인 4종세트.
1) Bent hands : 벽시계 하나로 전세계 시간을 한방(?)에 볼 수 있는 흥미로운 컨셉.
2) The Flower vase : 옆구리에 꽃을 꽂아야 더 근사한 화병이다.
(제작과정 보기 -->
3) Front & Back : 배터리 2개로 시간과 분을 표시하는 기발한 아이디어 벽시계.
4) Phone on board : 메모도 하고, 간단한 수납접시 역할도 하는 흥미진진 납작 무선 전화기 컨셉.
★ 디자이너 : 신고은, 우기하 -->
※ 아래는 공식 프레스 릴리즈
"The Wrong objects"
In “ugly duckling”, a fairy tale by H.C. Andersen, an elegant cygnet was regarded to look uglier than ducklings, because the outward appearance of a swan was appraised based on the standard shape of ducks. When we look at an object, we appraise the shape based on an established idea. The image conjured up by most people about a specific object is called “archetype”. The reason why the cygnet looked uglier than ducklings is that the cygnet did not fit the archetype of ducklings. Archetype comes from the inherent attributes and functions of an object, and it is familiar to us because it has been exposed to us for a long time. However, people feel stressed and think the well-organized idea become complicated when they see things that are out of the order that is familiar to them, because people feel unaccustomed to things that are unfamiliar to them. And these things may become the ugly duckling that is not loved by people.
However, if there was a reason why the outward appearance is different, if what was thought to be the ugly duckling turned out to be the object of different archetype, and if it is a completely new idea, the realization would be more dramatic than the case of the swan’s finding.
#1 Bent hands : Bent hands of a clock-the bent hands show me the world time at the same time. “I am living with world citizens on the earth, now.”
#2 Flower & vase : This flower vase was designed to change three fixed ideas about flower vase. 1.Not a flower vase for a flower, but a flower for a flower vase, 2.A flower vase with closed mouth, 3.Real floral pattern
#3 Front & back : Reinterpretation of the relationship between batteries and clocks. Behind the clocks, batteries always provide the power that allows clocks to work. Batteries summon up courage to demand more active relationship, willing to play the role of hands of a clock.
#4 Phone on board : A telephone that holds things. The telephone is capable of holding notes or objects.
(contact detail)
-Shin Go eun
+82 (0)17 727 0582
-Giha Woo
+82 (0)10 9018 9345
가져옴 : 몬스터디자인블로그
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