a set of kitchen tools capture the aromatic taste of fruit peels and help integrate it into domestic culinary culture.
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ivan toth depena: reflection installation at miami government center
published 11.28.11
visitors are transformed into colourful pixel displays in the interactive light installation, just opened for permanent exhibition in miami's stephen p. clark government center lobby.
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yi architects: new stuttgart library
published 11.28.11
influenced by the structure and organization of the ancient pantheon, the design features a a multi-storey meeting space at the heart of its layout which draws in natural light through the roof.
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UZU architects: guesthouse in arima
published 11.28.11
originally built after the second world war, the renovation project aims gently bridge the old with the contemporary by carefully maintain the structure's traditional characteristics and identity.
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environment design atelier: pyramid roof house 2011
published 11.27.11
sitting on a raised platform between a hillside and a field, the design features a traditional roof form of the region's typology which results in a large, vertically-open communal space within.
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