daily news
a designboom.com publication
March 2011, 10
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AUDI carbon ski update
published 03.10.11
the designboom team visited AUDI's concept design in munich and met with german designer wolfgang egger, head of AUDI group design, and australian born, german-based designer mark shipard, who provided us with technical insight and explained to us the revolutionary characteristics and technology of the AUDI carbon ski.
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solovyovdesign: insight lightbulb
published 03.10.11
'insight lamp' is a fluorescent bulb that plays a joke on the classic good idea light bulb joke.
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architectural diagrams: construction and design manual
published 03.10.11
similar to comic strips and graphic novels, diagrams have become a visual medium of communication in architecture that spans linguistic and cultural boundaries.
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volkswagen: bulli at geneva motor show 2011
published 03.10.11
the zero-emissions, six-seater electric compact van offers some of the camper capability and classic touches of 1950's volkswagen buses, alongside modern features like an iPad-based control console.
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colectivo gib: recycled pcb heads
published 03.10.11
recycled printed computer boards, keyboards, and aluminum frames for sculptural oversized heads.
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wa francis chu: air lamp at IFFS/AFS singapore furniture fair 2011
published 03.10.11
spotted at the young talent zone 'platform' of the IFFS/AFS international singapore furniture fair...
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bassam el okeily + karla menten: i care for you
published 03.10.11
defined by a series of suspended volumes, the structure houses two very different programs - an eyewear shop and an art gallery for the blind.
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ron van der ende: bas-relief in reclaimed wood
published 03.10.11
the sculptures utilize the original colors and textures of the reclaimed wood, arranged to create photo realistic bas-relief mosaics.
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grove + mapleXO: skateboard iPhone 4 case
published 03.09.11
a collaboration between mapleXO and grove, the 50-piece limited edition series of cases for iPhone 4 is created from old skateboard decks.
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atelier FCJZ: the bay
published 03.09.11
the development, consisting of 20 houses of five varieties, looks to integrate the new built environment with the natural and cultural context in which the neighborhood exists.
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tianyu xiao: writable
published 03.09.11
with three built-in, flippable chalkboard panels, the 'writable' table by tianyu xiao encourages conversation both written and spoken.
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bibliothèque at design indaba 2011
published 03.09.11
though their profile within the public realm is quiet, their portfolio speaks for itself, with a list of clients that includes: design museum london, D&AD (design and art directors association), adidas, sony, nike, the rumpus room etc.
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