daily news
a designboom.com publication
September 2010, 14
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nervous system: reaction
published 09.14.10
'reaction' is based on a chemical patterning system called 'reaction-diffusion' which describes a hypothesized mechanism for the synthesis of the diverse patterning seen on animals ranging from zebra stripes and giraffe spots to the complex coloring of tropical fish.
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'wing' by wa chu - 'seoul cycle design' competition shortlist revealed
published 09.14.10
'wing' by wa chu from singapore is one of the shortlisted design entries from more than 3000 participants in our recent designboom competition, 'seoul cycle design competition 2010', organized in collaboration with seoul design foundation.
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james castle at gwangju art biennale 2010
published 09.14.10
having no access to traditional art making materials, deaf and mute artist james castle often used salvaged supplies to create his art.
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WAI architecture: wall stalker
published 09.14.10
wall stalker is an animated architectural narrative exploring intellectual nomadism in architecture.
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IDEO redesigns the ATM
published 09.13.10
for the past two years, the design firm ideo has been working with the spanish bank BBVA to create a new design for the ubiquitous ATM banking machine.
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edward burtynsky oil spill
published 09.13.10
beginning this week, canadian photographer edward burtynsky will be premiering images taken of the oil spill in the gulf of mexico at nicholas metivier gallery in toronto
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caroline prisse: seated garden
published 09.13.10
the chair is made from a sturdy, wooden construction which has 'pockets' in which plastic pots are placed and used to house and grow plants or produce.
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'spring bike' by tobias lehmann - 'seoul cycle design' competition shortlist revealed
published 09.13.10
'spring bike' by tobias lehmann from germany is one of the shortlisted design entries from more than 3000 participants in our recent designboom competition, 'seoul cycle design competition 2010', organized in collaboration with seoul design foundation.
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romanian pavilion at venice architecture biennale 2010
published 09.13.10
'1:1' explores the very essence of space by designing an inhabitable object that defines--almost violently--two different worlds: the communal, exterior, and public from the individual, interior, and private.
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