daily news
a designboom.com publication
September 2010, 09
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atelier tekuto: OH house
published 09.09.10
'upon entering a space, human eyes unconsciously measure distance from perpendicular lines.(...) thus the 'OH house' has multi-sided ceilings.(...) this multi-sided interior volume surprises people by feeling bigger inside than the outside.' - yasuhiro yamashita
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1000 singapores: a model of the compact city at venice architecture biennale
published 09.09.10
featuring a 35-metre long model of a physical slice running through the singaporean landscape, the exhibition illustrates the positive implications of the dense city, and how compactness can translate to the most sustainable urban form for the future.
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tehching hsieh at gwangju art biennale 2010
published 09.09.10
for a whole year, artist tehching hsieh has documented himself punching in a time card for every hour of every day in photographs. the resulting body of work illustrates the passage of time, becoming a single, large portrait of a year.
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'bikoff' by marcos madia - 'seoul cycle design' competition shortlist revealed
published 09.09.10
'bikoff' by marcos madia from argentina is one of the shortlisted design entries from more than 3000 participants in our recent designboom competition, 'seoul cycle design competition 2010', organized in collaboration with seoul design foundation.
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the global studio: SIDAREC technology and media lab
published 09.09.10
construction is underway for the SIDEARC-mukuru kwa njenga center,in nairobi, kenya. the community center, will give mukuru residents access to the internet, computer and technology training, health clinic services, early childhood development programs, and a community theater.
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alain delorme: totems
published 09.08.10
fascinated by migrants' loads, alain delorme has photographed piles of stacked 'made in china' products in shanghai, which form unusual sculptures, symbols of a form of fetishization of the objects themselves.
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stephan thiel: fox in the box
published 09.08.10
fox in the box is an interactive music interface designed by stephan thiel with sebastian an, steffen fiedler and jonas loh.
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willow garage PR2
published 09.08.10
the PR2 is a robotic platform designed by willow garage for use in robotic development and research.
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anastassia elias: rolls
published 09.08.10
paris based artist anastassia elias typically works in the mediums of painting and illustration, but she recently undertook a new project of silhouettes encased inside toilet paper rolls.
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'sideways bike' by michael killian - 'seoul cycle design' competition shortlist revealed
published 09.08.10
'sideways bike' by michael killian from ireland is one of the shortlisted design entries from more than 3000 participants in our recent designboom competition, 'seoul cycle design competition 2010' organized in collaboration with seoul design foundation.
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aldo cibic: rural urbanism at rethinking happiness
published 09.08.10
the idea is to create an agricultural park of 4 sq km inhabited by 8000 persons with low-density residential structures, preserving the agriculture and offering
green spaces for the inhabitants. the project calls for a group of elevated buildings on the streets, to create a perpendicular grid that floats over the countryside.
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