daily news
a designboom.com publication
September 2010, 03
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rem koolhaas preservation tour
published 09.03.10
preservation - a theme long neglected by contemporary construction and urban theory but nonetheless bound to these fields and central to any experience of the twenty-first century landscape. exhibition curated by OMA. PART 1
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BIG architects 'loop city' film
published 09.03.10
BIG architects have just sent us the full-length clip of their film, 'from finger plan to loop city' which they showcased at the danish pavilion
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amateur architecture studio: decay of a dome
published 09.03.10
rather than looking only towards the west for inspiration as many of their contemporaries do, the practice's work is embedded in the history and traditions of chinese culture. in particular they reference everyday building tactics of ordinary people and the strong vernacular tradition of building in china.
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northwards design studio: C-lamp
published 09.03.10
the C-lamp is a technical lamp constructed from off the shelf components and connecting elements cast from recycled aluminium. the main element is a C-shaped clamp, which is constructed from cuboids of polystyrene packaging hot-glued together, whilst the connectors for the supporting aluminium rods are made from two off set cubes in the same manner.
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transsolar + tetsuo kondo architects: cloudscapes, at venice biennale
published 09.03.10
'cloudscape' explores the poetic nature of clouds by controlling the microclimate of the space. the installation allows viewers to feel, touch, and walk through the immaterial element.
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dominic wilcox field of green laces
published 09.03.10
the installation aims to breath life into the simple, inanimate shoe, making a connection with nature while referencing the lives of the absent owners.
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henning larsen architects: scandinavian golf club
published 09.03.10
the golf club is a traditional wing house but is built in rustic materials with large cantilevers and oblique angles.
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'ergo crosswalk' by jae min lim - 'design for all' competition shortlisted revealed
published 09.03.10
the 'ergo crosswalk' is a design that makes people follow the law, as well as consider their habits or unconscious actions. it will encourage pedestrians to follow the lines of the cross walk and protect them from any potential danger.
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MIT seaswarm at architecture biennale venice 2010
published 09.02.10
the deepwater horizon oil spill in the gulf of mexico is said to have leaked 4.9 million barrels of crude oil. while the leak is now capped, the clean-up is still occurring. researchers in MIT_s senseable city project developed seaswarm, an autonomous network of solar-powered oil cleaning robots to handle situations just like this.
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norster 600r
published 09.02.10
the norster 600r is a finnish designed mid engine car that has a compact size that actually puts it into the category of a heavy quad.
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it's nice that issue 4
published 09.02.10
you can now pre-order copies of 'it's nice that' issue #4. this latest print installment of the popular website features interviews with nick knight, neville brody, miranda july, trokia, RBG6, noma bar and bompas & parr, features by sara de bondt, adam buxton, adrian shaughnessy, jez burrows, mike lemanski, peter nencini and micah lidberg among others. every order placed before midnight on september 30th (the day before the official release) will receive a free screenprint by james jarvis, commissioned especially for the issue.
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